
Reuters News

Founded in 1861, Reuters is one of the world’s largest news organizations, with 2,500 journalists in 200 locations worldwide. Having worked closely for years on Reuters TV, its consumer-facing multi-platform video news service, the company came to Ueno for the redesign of Reuters News for iOS and Android.


Reuters News for mobile

The brief: Create a more personalized and customizable news app, redesigned from the ground up to fit how people consume news on mobile devices.

What Ueno provided: Strategy, Product Design, Motion Design

The redesigned Reuters app includes several innovations based on mobile usage patterns, including a newsfeed-style design that takes a cue from social media platforms.

Users personalize their newsfeed by picking the topics and news channels they’re interested in. It’s also easy for users to rearrange the app’s main channels and add custom ones.

For editors, Ueno designed a flexible system of cards, storytelling components that let them tell each story in a way that fits it.


In the end…

After the redesign, users spend more time with the app, read more articles, and are much more likely to return within a week.


Two Bulls

