

Changing how citizens interact with cities.


Verizon Smart Cities

The dreamers at LQD Wifi wanted to bring communities together around the places, activities and information that make every city unique. After partnering with Frog to ideate an enclosure and high-level brand for their innovative citizen engagement kiosk, LQD Wifi approached Two Bulls to bring the experience to life. 

Because of our work in those first months, LQD was acquired by Verizon and Two Bulls was tasked with taking the demo model from sales floor flair to full-fledged production unit. 

While mechanical engineers labored to bring physicality to the Verizon Digital Kiosk (VDK), Two Bulls created the technical and experiential elements needed within. Several cross-functional teams containing engineers, creatives, delivery and quality assurance professionals worked to conceptualize and implement a singular experience. Two Bulls delivered a custom-built Android suite of engagement applications, dynamic ad serving platform, emergency services, accessibility features and a one-of-a-kind CMS to power it all.


In the end…

In 3 months, Two Bulls went from concept design to functional software culminating in LQD's acquisition by Verizon a month later. The first unit went into the ground in the Spring of 2018.


The Electric Factory

